Sputnik International is a global news agency keeping you updated on all the latest world news 24/7. Browse Sputnik for breaking news and top stories on politics, economy, social media and the most viral trends.


سایت اسپوتنیک ایران آخرین و تازه‌ترین اخبار، گزارش ها، تحلیل ها درباره ایران و جهان در حوزه سیاست، اقتصاد، جامعه و غیره و همچنین ویدیو، گزارش‌های تصویری و داده نمای ها، کاریکاتور ها را به خواننده گان ارائه می‌دهد.

Sputnik provides comprehensive news coverage from the Middle Eastern and the Gulf region. Find perspective and analysis on the complicated nature of Middle Eastern conflicts. To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about you, including through the tools of our partners. Sputnik (Russian pronunciation: [ˈsputʲnʲɪk]; formerly Voice of Russia and RIA Novosti, naming derived from Russian Спутник) is a Russian state-owned news agency, news website platform and radio broadcast service. Sputnik est une agence de presse multimédia internationale. Retrouvez toutes les dernières actualités du jour, information complètes, news et nouvelles mondiales en direct & en continu. 2 dagar sedan · Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine which has shown 91.6% efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19 and 100% efficacy against severe and moderate disease, has now been approved for use in India.

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Kremls trollrestaurang Sputnik "News" är gramse över MSB:s arbete mot ryska troll. 27 juni 2019 — Så händer det återigen - d v s ryska Sputnik News refererar till mig (och på ett flertal olika språk) bara några dagar efter att bl a Fria Tider,  Jan 5, 2016 - Sputnik International is a global news agency keeping you updated on all the latest world news 24/7. Browse Sputnik for breaking news and top  Check 'sputnik' translations into Swedish. included its Kremlin-controlled mouthpieces: news agency Sputnik News and television outlet Russia Today (RT​). Sputnik, with design features that originates from the satellite it has gotten its name The ability to choose colour and fabric gives Sputnik endless possibilities and design Award Rote Punkt, as well as for other international competitions.

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Sputnik news analysts Nicole Roussell and Walter Smolarek join the show.New York remains the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, with​ 

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Jul 17, 2019 A court in Vilnius has ruled that the Lithuanian website of Russian state-run news portal Sputnik News should be banned after it repeatedly  Mar 3, 2021 Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against Covid is in worldwide demand, but many Russians remain unsure. BBC News, Moscow. Published: 3  Sputnik, även kallad Sputnik News, är en statlig rysk nyhetstjänst.

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2018-februari 201915. Publikation. Ursprung. Antal artiklar Varav ryska artiklar. Sputnik News. Rysk. 180. RIA Novosti. Rysk. 134. Sputnik (Tyskland). Rysk. 32.

سایت اسپوتنیک افغانستان آخرین و تازه‌ترین اخبار، گزارش ها، تحلیل ها و مقالات درباره افغانستان و جهان در حوزه سیاست، اقتصاد، جامعه و غیره و همچنین ویدیو، گزارش‌های تصویری و داده نمای ها، کاریکاتور ها را به خواننده گان Фотографије историје живота, занимљиви људи, смешни и необични догађаји, зачуђујућа дешавања из целог света - све то ћете наћи у рубрици Спутњик живот. Lea las últimas noticias del día sobre el tema América Latina: Candidato de izquierda peruano expresa preocupación por mesas no instaladas en elecciones, Vídeo: el volcán de San Vicente y Актуелне светске вести из часа у час.

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Sputnik (Russian pronunciation: [ˈsputʲnʲɪk]; formerly Voice of Russia and RIA Novosti, naming derived from Russian Спутник) is a Russian state-owned news agency, news website platform and radio broadcast service.

Finns säkert en del fake news och konstiga invändningar i det här,  26 juni 2015 — Sputnik News har eksisteret siden slutningen af 2014, hvor den russiske regering lancerede nyhedsbureauets engelsksprogede site sammen  för 7 dagar sedan — Både det ryska Sputnik V och Astra Zenecas vaccin använder adenovirus som vektor, eller bärare, Så undviker du ”fake news” i coronatider. 29 sep.